The Deputy Secretary General of the European External Action Service (EEAS), Mr. Maciej Popowski, visited the two Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) Missions, EUBAM Rafah and EUPOL COPPS, during a two-day trip to the region. Mr. Popowski met respectively with EUBAM Rafah’ Head of Mission, Gerhard Schlaudraff and the staff of the Mission as well as with EUPOL COPPS’ representatives.
Mr. Schlaudraff briefed DSG Popowski on the mission’s mandate, daily activities, challenges and future. DSG Popowski also discussed the EU's role in the region together with the EU Delegation, the Office of the European Union Representative, as well as some representatives from the Palestinian Authority and the Government of Israel. During his meetings, DSG Popowski stressed that the EU continues to be ready to make use of its instruments in support of the parties’ efforts, including the possible reactivation, in the appropriate way, of the EUBAM Rafah mission.