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EUBAM Rafah Conducts its First Workshop on Addressing Needs of Disabled Passengers

Fri, 01/31/2020

On 23 January 2020, the European Union Border Assistance Mission concluded a one-day-workshop on "Enhancing GABC Capacities in Adressing the Needs of Disabled People Crossing the Border". This workshop, held in Jericho, comes as the first of its kind to rethink the obligations towards disabled passengers. 

EUBAM Rafah: 

Donation Agreement for Command and Control Center Signed

Tue, 12/17/2019

On 12.12.2019, the Head of the European Union Mission for the Rafah Crossing Point Mr. Guenther Freisleben and the General Director of the General Administration for Borders and Crossings Governor Nazmi Mhanna signed the donation agreement for the newly constructed command and control center. 

EUBAM Rafah: 

GABC Representatives Successfully Completed a Training on Investigations on Cross-Border Crimes

Wed, 12/11/2019

Aimed at developing knowledge and improving skills in encountering serious crimes with cross-border dimensions, six participants from the General Administration for Borders and Crossings and the relevant border agencies took part in a three-day-training entitled "Investigations on Cross-Border Crimes" at the Judicial Training Institute in Amman, Jordan. 

EUBAM Rafah: 

EUBAM Rafah Raises the Voice to End Violence Against Women

Sat, 12/07/2019

In support of the "16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence", EUBAM Rafah has raised the voice to end violence against women. 

This comes as part of a campaign that started on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25 November and ends on Human Rights Day on 10 December. The campaign was originated by activists at the Women's Global Leadership Institute in 1991 and has continued ever since to be coordinated by the Center for Women's Global Leadership. 

EUBAM Rafah Collaborates with OLAF and PACC

Mon, 12/02/2019

The European Union Border Assistance Mission for the Rafah Crossing Point joined efforts with the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and the Palestinian Anti-Corruption Commission to deliver a training on "Cross-Border Irregularities and Frauds; Anti-Corruption Preventive Measures."

For the duration of two days, a training on cross-border irregularities and frauds took place at the Training Center of the General Administration for Borders and Crossings in Jericho. 

EUBAM Rafah: 

CIVCOM Delegates Visit EUBAM Rafah

Fri, 11/22/2019

This week, the European Union Mission for the Rafah Crossing Point received members of the EU’s committee on Civilian Aspects of Crisis Management (CIVCOM) who arrived in Palestine and Israel to meet with Mission Staff members and local counterparts.

Understanding the Concept and Function of a Modern Command and Control Center

Tue, 11/12/2019

For the duration of three days, eight representatives from the General Administration for Borders and Crossings (GABC) visited the National Center for coordination of Border Crossing Points (CEFRONT) and the Command and Control Center in Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport. 

This visit came as part of a comprehensive plan aimed at building the capacities of the border organizations working under the umbrella of GABC for a better protection of the State's borders. 

EUBAM Rafah: 

Second Leadership Development Workshop Concluded

Thu, 10/24/2019

In continuation of an earlier workshop held in Jericho in April 2019, EUBAM Rafah concluded its second leadership development training. The workshop came as part of a series of leadership training sessions aimed at further developing the existing leadership skills and qualities of the top managers at the General Administration for Borders and Crossings and covered topics related to communication and conflict management.

Study Visit to Brussels Concludes TAIEX Training MAP for Palestinian Counterparts

Tue, 08/20/2019

In a study visit that lasted for the duration of three days, three representatives from the General Administration for Borders and Crossings visited the Directorate for International Police Cooperation in Brussels, Belgium.

Together with EUBAM Rafah and the Directorate for International Police Cooperation, TAIEX arranged a study visit on Work Organization and Procedures for Border Agencies.

EUBAM Rafah: 

Head of the European Union Border Assistance Mission wishes Muslims a blessed Eid Al-Adha

Thu, 08/15/2019

On the occasion of Eid Al-Adha - the second of two major Muslim holidays, Mr. Guenther Freisleben wishes Muslim counterparts and all Muslims celebrating around the world Eid Mubarak. 

Eid Al-Adha, also known as "Feast of the Sacrifice", marks the end of the annual Hajj (pilgrimage) to Mecca and commemorates Prophet Ibrahim's supreme act of faith when He was about to sacrifice his son -Ismail- in obedience to Allah's command before the latter got replaced by a ram.

EUBAM Rafah: 
