Press Releases

Antonella Di Sandri, from Italy’s northeast, was appointed as a Senior Customs Officer in the city of Udine in 1999, and for the past two decades has worked on customs issues in her home country as well as EU-funded... more
In order to support the Palestinian General Administration for Borders and Crossings during the global fight against COVID-19, as well the fight against infectious diseases more widely, the Head of the European Union... more
As part of the efforts to control the spread of Coronavirus, the General Administration for Borders and Crossings has stepped up new measures to examine incoming travelers.
The mobile clinic, that was donated by EUBAM... more
On 23 January 2020, the European Union Border Assistance Mission concluded a one-day-workshop on "Enhancing GABC Capacities in Adressing the Needs of Disabled People Crossing the Border". This workshop, held in Jericho... more
On 12.12.2019, the Head of the European Union Mission for the Rafah Crossing Point Mr. Guenther Freisleben and the General Director of the General Administration for Borders and Crossings Governor Nazmi Mhanna signed... more
Aimed at developing knowledge and improving skills in encountering serious crimes with cross-border dimensions, six participants from the General Administration for Borders and Crossings and the relevant border agencies... more
In support of the "16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence", EUBAM Rafah has raised the voice to end violence against women. 
This comes as part of a campaign that started on the International Day for the... more
The European Union Border Assistance Mission for the Rafah Crossing Point joined efforts with the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and the Palestinian Anti-Corruption Commission to deliver a training on "Cross-Border... more
This week, the European Union Mission for the Rafah Crossing Point received members of the EU’s committee on Civilian Aspects of Crisis Management (CIVCOM) who arrived in Palestine and Israel to meet with Mission Staff... more
For the duration of three days, eight representatives from the General Administration for Borders and Crossings (GABC) visited the National Center for coordination of Border Crossing Points (CEFRONT) and the Command and... more
