
A Long Standing Commission Official Visits the Territories

Mon, 06/24/2019

Ms Heike Gerstbrein, currently heading the Common Foreign and Security Policy Operations and Election Observation Unit in the European Commission’s Service for Foreign Policy Instruments, is in a visit that is expected to last for one week to the two EU Missions in the territories; EUBAM and EUPOL COPPS, located in Tel Aviv and Ramallah respectively. 

Marking Europe Day in Brussels and All Over the World

Mon, 05/13/2019

On Saturday, fourteen EU missions, including EUBAM Rafah, celebrated Europe Day 2019 together with the European institutions in Brussels. The doors were open to the public and the annual Open Day attracted thousands of visitors of all ages. They were entertained by cultural performances, had their faces painted, met Captain Europe, won awards at the Wheel of Fortune and became wiser on how the EU engages with its neighbours.

EUBAM Rafah Organizes its Annual Medal Parade Ceremony

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Thu, 04/18/2019

Four EUBAM mission members were awarded the CMPD Medal for having met the eligibility requirements and the necessary period of qualifying service in one of the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) Missions.


EU Civilian Operations Commander Visits EUBAM Rafah

Mon, 04/15/2019

For the first time since his appointment as the CivOpsCdr in September 2018, Vincenzo Coppola visited the European Union Border Assistance Mission for the Rafah Crossing Point (EUBAM Rafah).


The EU Civilian Operations Commander Vincenzo Coppola and the Head of the Operations Division at CPCC Jean Marc Pisani visited the two CPCC Missions in the territories; EUBAM Rafah and EUPOL COPPS, located respectively in Ramat Gan and Ramallah.


First Leadership Development Workshop Concluded

Wed, 04/10/2019

For the Duration of three days, EUBAM Rafah held its first “Leadership Development” workshop. The workshop, which started on April 1st, was the first of a series of three leadership trainings targeting top General Administration for Borders and Crossings (GABC) managers.


EUBAM Rafah and Palestinian Border Chief sign Donation Agreement

Tue, 01/22/2019

The Head of EUBAM Rafah Guenther Freisleben and Nazmi Mhanna the General Director of General Administration of Borders and Crossings (GABC) signed a Donation Agreement on 16 January 2019 in Jericho.

Training on the “Role of border authorities in Fighting Corruption”

Thu, 10/11/2018

EUBAM Rafah, in close cooperation with the General Administration of Borders and Crossings (GABC), facilitated a two-day training held by the Palestinian Anti-Corruption Commission (PACC) on the role of GABC in encountering the specter of corruption.

The training aimed at preparing Palestinian officers operating at the crossings to identify the different forms of corruption and to handle corruption cases according to the procedures adopted by GABC.

EUBAM staff awarded the CSDP Service Medal and certificates

Mon, 06/11/2018

On 5 June 2018, the Mission held its annual Medal Parade during which five Mission Members were recognized for having met the requirements of eligibility and having completed the necessary period of qualifying service as members of the European Union Border Assistance Mission (EUBAM) Rafah.

The Mission Members celebrated this joyous event together with representatives from the European Union Delegation in Tel Aviv, the European Union Representative in Jerusalem and the European Union Mission in the West Bank, EUPOL COPPS.

EUBAM Rafah, EUPOL COPPS participate in EU Open Day

Fri, 05/11/2018

The European External Action Service opened its doors to the public in celebration of the annual Open Day of the European Union on 5 May 2018 in Brussels. Both EUBAM Rafah and EUPOL COPPS took part in the one-day event, along with representatives of the latter’s counterparts from the Palestinian Civil Police and the Palestinian Bar Association. The Missions’ teams briefed the public on the mandate of the two missions as well as the activities they conduct with the Palestinian counterparts.  

Assessing the training needs for Palestinian border agencies

Fri, 04/06/2018

As an initial step in the process of conducting a Training Needs Assessment (TNA) for the different agencies operating under the Palestinian General Administration for Border and Crossings (GABC), EUBAM Rafah has piloted a full day session with the top-management of GABC.
